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Nvision Showcase on the 26th April at Falinge Park High School was a showcase event for the young people of Rochdale, organized by Cartwheel Arts in partnership with Falinge Park High School. The project was funded by the Youth Opportunity Fund. 

A series of Workshops with visiting professional artists culminated in a lively evening of music, dance, drama, animation and the spoken word. Featuring performers from Falinge Park High School and groups from the Academy Dancehouse.

The workshops introduced the young people to costume design with recycled materials, computer animation, music composition, street dance, DJ and live mixing skills, performance poetry and drama.

Muriel Gott, head of Falinge's Creative Expressive Performing Arts faculty, said, "The school buzzed with excitement and activity over the weeks that the artists were in the school." 

The excitement of the performers and the atmosphere in the audience was great. The young people have worked really hard throughout the project, and their showcase performances were a credit to them and their school. It was a lovely mix of entertainment and we thank the school and the Academy for their support with this project.

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