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Join us

Cartwheel is a membership organisation and our Board of Trustees is elected annually by the members. We welcome applications for membership from all sections of the community (full members must be over 16 and Board members over 18). If you have a keen interest in Cartwheel’s work and in broadening access to the arts, please join us. You will need to share our passion for opening participation equally to all, irrespective of race, age, gender, faith, (dis)ability or sexual orientation, and for promoting the role the arts can play in social inclusion, regeneration, diversity and community cohesion. Members help to set the priorities of the company and are invited to attend functions and events, including the AGM - at which light refreshments are served! 

If you would like to apply  for membership, please contact Gala Pujol Freixer, our Development Manager, on gala@cartwheelarts.org.uk

Artists can be members of Cartwheel and can also join the Board - but you can’t work for the company while you are a Board member.




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