Over the last 6 months young people from Barnardo’s Rochdale Project have been working with artist Graham Marsden from Cartwheel Arts to look at the barriers that disabled young people face in everyday life. These include ‘lack of choice and control’, ‘being overprotected by people’ and ‘lack of trust’.
Jack Barnes from Heywood, one of the young people involved, says “I personally think as a young person who has been involved with this project everyone should be treated equally and given every possible chance in life.”
To illustrate this the group, who meet at Matthew Moss Youth Centre in Castleton, have worked with Graham to create colourful and thought-provoking pop up banners as a way of sparking debate. These will be taken round to parents, young people, schools and other professionals in the hope that the tools they have created can influence attitudes.
Other young people in the group have been equally enthusiastic:
"I’ve enjoyed it, it’s mint."
"The banners are really good, I think the way it has come together is brilliant."
“Disabled young people are very clear about what their everyday lives should include,” says Elaine Gansler from Barnardo’s, who is delighted with the result. “Having a resource created by disabled and non-disabled young people to share with family, friends and professionals will enable people to gain a greater insight into the things that matter most in life, the barriers faced and the ways in which these can be addressed.”