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Art for Wellbeing 2

Our Art for Wellbeing 2 (AfW) programme is coordinated by Kerry Bertram and is a 3 year programme of work across Rochdale and Wigan that focuses on mental health, funded by the Tudor Trust. Within this programme we deliver multiple courses, workshops and projects across the region. We engage adults with mild to moderate, mental health issues who feel that their mental wellbeing would benefit from regular, creative group activity. All sessions are lead by a professional artist, supported by an Emotional Support Worker and culminate with a celebration event, exhibition or publication.

We strive to build sustainability into projects and work hard to support participants by offering ongoing opportunities, volunteering, signposting and personal creative development. Projects are supported by a range of funders including the NHS Heywood Middleton and Rochdale, Clinical Commissioning Group, Social Investment fund (NHS CCG SIF), The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) and Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC)

Our AfW project development is recorded on our blog, artists, support workers and group participants contribute to the blog, which is updated weekly with photos of sessions, inspirational information and new project information.
Visit the blog to find out more about current projects,

If you are interested in the Art for Wellbeing strand, please contact

Kerry on 01706 361300 or



Is our programme of creative and enterprise work in Rochdale, funded by NLDC. A group of previous participants have taken part in Creative Champion training and are now delivering creative projects within the community. This includes creating Recovery Banners with the Crime Reduction Initiative and paper mosaics with the New Shamwari Project.

Another strand of the project is beginning in Langley in March, working with Hollin Surestart centre. We are working there with a group of young mothers; building creative confidence and self esteem while their children enjoy free childcare through the Surestart crèche.

Thanks to additional funding from AGMA we will be extending the ‘Exhibition Skills’ part of Enter-Art and will hold masterclasses in curation, framing and developing site-specific artwork. This project will culminate with a showcase and collaborative exhibition.



Wellbeing Dominos                                           

Funded by the NHS CCG SIF, and in collaboration

with Lighthouse Project, Middleton and

Crimble Croft Community Centre, Heywood.

This project will begin in April 2014 to develop

and trial a 'wellbeing game'.

The game, when played in a supportive group,

this will identify gaps in wellbeing and create

a pathway towards improved mental health.

This project draws on inspiration from life coaching

cards and action planning, and concludes with a

training programme for community groups and

organisations to sustain the delivery of the project.

Artist Lisa Risbec and Art Therapist Jodie Siliverman

will lead the creative direction of the project.





Purani Yaadein/ Old Memories
This creative support project for people with dementia and their families and carers will be delivered in collaboration with BME Health Matters, beginning in April 2014. Sessions will run in Heywood working with a predominantly white group of people and in Rochdale with the South Asian community. There will be sharing days between the groups and information drop in sessions for families and carers this project will be lead by artist and Emotional Support Worker Stacey Coughlin.





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