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Art for Wellbeing
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Well, Well, Well Exhibition at Touchstones Rochdale created by the Art for Wellbeing group

Art for Wellbeing was a series of ten week courses for adults with mild to moderate mental health issues led by artist Pete Walker.

Art for Wellbeing was a project based in part on the Arts on Prescription model, pioneered in Stockport and replicated (with various modifications) in a number of other areas. Heywood Middleton Rochdale PCT and Link4Life provided initial funding and New Heart for Heywood have also made a contribution, particularly to the fourth course. The fifth course was funded by Manchester Airport, via Link4Life. The project took place in Heywood, and was open to adults throughout the borough. Rochdale MIND conducted assessments of applicants and provided sessional support from a counsellor.

The first year of the project culminated in a superb exhibition at Touchstones Gallery in Rochdale. Please click on the link above to see pictures.





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