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Fabric of Langley

Fabric of Langley
Link to Darnhill Gallery

The Fabric of Langley was a very successful project that took place on the Langley estate in Middleton between December 2005 and March 2006.

The aim of the project was to bring people from different areas of the estate together. Cartwheel worked with groups of children, young people and adults at many different venues across the estate.

Working with artists Jo Gornall, Pete Walker and Shaista Nazir, the participants learnt new textile based skills and used photography and computer imaging to add to their work. As the groups grew, new skills were learnt and new friends were made.

The starting point for all the work produced was the participants’ first memories of Langley.  How the estate has changed, exploring what was there before the estate was built, what is good about the work that’s happening on the estate now and what they’d like to see in the future.

Three public events were held during the project, a Family Christmas Party, a Valentine Disco and the Celebratory Exhibition, all bringing lots of people together from across the estate.

All the work produced was brought together to create a large wall hanging. An exhibition was held at the end of the project, celebrating the participants’ achievements.



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